
Judy Stone-Nunneley


Judy Stone-Nunneley is an artist and educator whose creative work encompasses mixed media prints and textiles, installation, and artist’s books. She has exhibited her work in over one hundred solo, invitational and juried exhibitions. She serves as a Juror for art competitions/exhibitions and as a Visiting Artist in schools, art organizations, state and national conferences.

Born in Dallas, Texas, she earned Bachelor of Fine Arts and Master of Arts degrees from the University of Tulsa, Oklahoma; and the Master of Fine Arts from the University of Nebraska – Lincoln.

As a visiting artist and guest lecturer, she has given workshops on printmaking, textiles and artist’s books, and shared her research on the process of creativity, the transformational qualities of art, the history of the labyrinth, and the images of continuity and sacred iconography shared by the wisdom traditions.

Conference Presentations and Workshops: Art Schools Network, National Art Education Association, Texas Association of Schools of Art, Mid-America Print Council, Texas Art Education Association, Art Educators of Minnesota, Nebraska Women’s Caucus for Art, Wisconsin Art Educators Association, National Art Cloth Symposium, and Southern Graphics Council International.

Post-Secondary Teaching: The College of Design at the University of Minnesota, and the Minneapolis College of Art and Design.

Visting Artist Teaching: Split Rock Arts Program, MN; University of New Mexico, NM; Hamline University, MN; Grand Marais Art Colony, MN; Branigan Cultural Center,NM; Homewood Studios, MN; Textile Center of Minnesota, MN; Ghost Ranch, NM; Ohio University, OH.

K-12 Teaching: Teacher and Artist-in-Residence in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Oklahoma, Maryland, New Mexico and Texas.

Awards: Bush Foundation Grant for College Teaching, Mellon Faculty Research Grant, Alliance of Independent Colleges of Art Research Grant, Target Education Foundation Grant, McGuire Fellowship, and Othmer Fellowship. Social justice grant from Teaching Tolerance/Southern Poverty Law Center for a collaboration with 29 Pieces.

Judy was the National Art Education Coordinator for The American Love Project, with 29 Pieces. She was a member of the WARM Art Gallery Collective and served as a mentor in the WARM Mentor Program. (WARM/Women’s Art Registry of Minnesota). She was the Visual Arts Coordinator and Artist-in-Residence in Grand Prairie ISD, Texas, where she worked with 50 art teachers to create curriculum, art programs, exhibitions and professional development.